Vidhika Sangham

The antecedents of the St.Thomas Orthodox Vaidhika Sanghom can be traced back to the period of St.Gregorios of Parumala. The Saint, whose organizational skills and vision for the Malankara Orthodox Church, were exceptional, called together the first meeting of the Church’s priests into an association. The time period being fraught with several internal and external problems, the clergy association was not an active force. It was revived again during the days of Joseph Mar Dionysius II, the founder of the M.D. Seminary and functioned with varying results. The objective for this association was to constitute a forum where the priests could interact with one another, discuss issues and relay them to the attention of the Holy Synod and collectively organize programmes for their welfare.

The more recent chapter of the Malankara Orthodox Church’s clergy association to further these goals can be placed in 1983 when the clergy were formally called together and proposed the name of the organization as The St.Thomas Orthodox Vaidhika Sanghom (The St.Thomas Orthodox Clergy Association). Its first meeting was held at the St.Peter’s & St.Paul’s Church, Parumala under the guidance of H.G.Dr.Paulos Mar Gregorios and was presided over by the then Catholicos, H.H. Moran Mar Baselios Marthoma Mathews I.


Rev. Fr. John N I


+91 9446 640 792

Sunday School

Orthodox Syrian Sunday School Association of the East is a spiritual organization functioning in all the parishes of the Malankara Orthodox Church throughout the world. It takes care of the spiritual nurturing of the children, by bringing them up in the knowledge and fellowship of Jesus Christ and His Church. The classes are conducted for the children. The classes range from Pre-primary to the twelfth (Vedapraveen Diploma).

We follow a curriculum, jointly prepared and published by the Oriental Orthodox Churches which is revised from time to time. The Vacation Bible School conducted (OVBS) is a very vibrant wing of the O.S.S.A.E. The movement publish textbooks, devotional materials, song books, songs and animations for the OVBS every year. The headquarters of O.S.S.A.E is located in the complex of the Devalokom Catholicate Aramana, Kottayam.


Rev. Fr. Biju Peter


Mob: +91 9495 051 926


Mr. M. J. Mathai


Mob: +91 9446 283 732

Martha Mariyam Vanitha Samajam

Marth Mariam Vanitha Samajam is the Women’s wing of the Malankara Orthodox Church, with the vision of empowering women to establish and undertake Christian mission. Samajam was founded in the year 1920. The name “Martha Mariam Vanitha Samajam” was given after the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ. The motto of the Samajam is “Prayer, Service and Enlighten”.

Bearing the same spirit and vision, Marth Mariam Vanitha Samajam of Sulthan Bqthery Diocese extends its service to the sections of the society by providing support to the women and helping them to be proactive and self-sufficient. Some of the activities of the Samajam at diocesan level includes;

Akhila Malankara Martha Mariam Vanitha Samajam Annual Conference is held every year in a specific venue conducted under the leadership of the central committee.

Sulthan Bathery Diocese level meetings are conducted effectively with effective classes and devotional talks led by eminent speakers. Also, Great Lenten Devotions are carried out on a regular basis which nourishes the women's spiritual perspective.

Effective co cucular kind of completions are also carried out making women to have creative and innovative stages of development. Exams are conducted every year in the month of October. Members from all the two regions (Wayanad & Kannur) participate in this examination and remarkable performance were seen over the past years.

At the administration level, there is a diocesan committee with H.G. Dr. Geevarghese Mar Barnabas Metropolitan as its President followed by Rev.Fr.Shibu John as its Diocesan Vice President.


Rev. Fr. Shibu John T


Mob: +91 9961 580 833


Mrs. Molly Mathew


Mob: +91 9496 686 131


The Akhila Malankara Prayer Group Association has been constituted to monitor and streamline the prayer and reading habits of congregations in different prayer groups functioning in the various parishes under the Malankara Syrian Orthodox Christian Church.

The objective of this group is to ascertain the inculcation of firm faith, love of the church and brotherhood and bring about the spiritual, material and educational upliftment of the people.


Rev. Fr. Manoj N Rajan


Mob: +91 9633 707 034

General Secretary

Mr. M. K. Pappachen


Mar Gregorios Orthodox Christian Student Movement (MGOCSM) is the student wing of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church. The students and senior leaders of our church who were residing in Madras (Chennai), India in the early part of this century felt the need for an organization to bring together our students in various colleges and high schools with a view to deepening their spiritual life and to create in them a livelier sense of fellowship. So they founded the Syrian Student Conference in 1907 and first conference was convened on January 1st, 1908 at Tiruvalla, Kerala, India. Annual conferences have been a regular feature since that year. The Syrian student conference, the parent organization, assumed its present name MGOCSM in 1960. Ours is the oldest Christian student organization in India. Our motto is Worship – Service – Study.

Our student centers at Kottayam, Trivandrum, Aluva stand as fitting monuments to the continuous and tireless efforts of the movement during the past years. The long cherished dream of other centers at Kothamangalam, Pampady, and Bangalore is also coming to life. Each student center provides hostel facilities in addition to chapel, auditorium, reading room and guest rooms.


Rev. Fr. Jins N.B

Nediyavila Puthen Veedu

Mob: +91 9497 490 939

General Secretary

Mr. Sabin Baby


Mob: +91 9947 693 978

Barskiyomo Association

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General Secretary

Mrs. Prof. Rachel Thomas

Sulthan Bathery

+91 9497 085 858


The Orthodox Christian Youth Movement (OCYM), the Youth-wing of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Chruch is in its 77th year of active leadership and Christian witness in the Church and society. It contributes to the goodness and progress of the Church and community in the three-fold path of worship, study and service. It aims at moulding the minds and visions of the youth against the background of the contemporary issues.


Rev. Fr. Basil Paulose


Mob: +91 9747 471 432

General Secretary

Mr. Saneesh K Scaria


Mob: +91 9562 528 338

Sushrushaka Sangham

AMOSS is a movement working on the following objectives:

1. To give instructions to the altar boys of all parishes in the Malankara Church to make uniformity in the worship of the church and to serve systematically.

2. To mould people who have God’s grace, dedication, who follow spiritual & sacramental life, and who have worldly experience to reside as servants in the sacramental service of the holy church.

3. To train attendants to practice the holy church’s tradition and ritual service without any alteration and to perform it timely with all its meaning and value and to ordain and make them members of the church’s serving community.

The diocese ensures to regularly conduct activities under AMOSS to ensure the spiritual and regulated upbringing of all altar boys. Some of the activities are listed below

a. Periodical training programmes at the district levels.

b. Annual diocese level conferences aiming in the upliftment and encouragement of altar boys. AMOSS of Sulthan Bathery Diocese have units in all the parishes.


Rev. Fr. Moncy Jacob


Mob: +91 9447 385 828

General Secretary

Mr. Babu Pallipattu

Balika Bala Samajam

AKHILA MALANKARA BALASAMAJAM is the student portion of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church. Balasamajam aims at the integrated personal development of the youth in the Church. The main objectives are worship, study and virtuous life among all the boys and girls inside the Church.. The Balasamajam was organized on an all Malankara basis in 1982.

Through this programme, an all round development of personality of the children is accomplished as they are encouraged to study the Holy Bible, the tradition and history of the Church along with their academic studies. The life history of Saints of the church presented before them develops in them a spiritual and moral life aiming the service for the society.

The Samajam through its activities encourages the children to participate regularly in the Sunday Schools and Church services. Every child between the age of 5 and 15 years are supposed to be its members.


Rev. Fr. Aneesh George


Mob: +91 9847 291 198

General Secretary

Mr. Arun Babu


Mob: +91 9605 084 147

Ministry of Human Empowerment

MOHE is a Department of Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church. It aims to explore ,enlighten and empower the human potential of the society through various awareness campaigns. The main thrust of this Ministry is Family Empowerment.

In an era of privatization, globalization and urbanization, the lifestyle of human kind has changed tremendously. Technology has made the geography a history. This incredible progress of the society has not just pumped in the comfort and luxury and made mankind techno savvy but ipso facto to all revolving evil in the universe. The de facto of today’s degrading human standard is due to the erosion of values, disintegration of families, drug addiction, gay and lesbian issues, Satan worship etc. In order to improve the life style, modus operandi of living need to be rectified with deep rooted Christian values, moral policing, righteous and fruitful life. The Ministry of Human Empowerment (MOHE) through its various projects endeavors to empower and enrich our families. The MOHE is neither a governmental organization nor religious group, spiritual organization /association but a distinct department of Malankara Orthodox Church.


Rev. Fr. Jibin Kuriakose


Mob: +91 8848 335 645


Rev. Fr. Biju Peter


Mob: +91 9495 051 926

Divya Bodhanam

The Divyabodhanam is a theological training programme for laity in the Church. It was founded in 1984 by the late HH Baselius Marthoma Mathews I by the initiative of the late Metropolitan Dr. Paulose Mar Gregorios.

Divyabodhanam aims to educate people in basic Orthodoxy- its faith and practices, by training people to build up a true Christian life-pattern in the midst of its challenges. It equips people to face the contemporary challenges, ideologies and problems of the time and to respond with a Christian mind filled with deep faith and complete trust in God. It also encourages lay leaders to work in the spiritual organizations of the Church at parish and diocesan levels. It helps Christian parents and families, by which the growing generation shall be properly cared for and nurtured in a true Christian way


Rev. Fr. Sanju N Jose


Mob: +91 9946 249 324

General Secretary

Mr. Baby Mathew


Mob: +91 9747 986 436

Suvishesha Sangham

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Rev. Fr. Nobin K. Varghese


Mob: +91 9947 400 167

Diocesan Choir

Rev. Fr. Babu Thomas


Mob: +91 9539 833 484

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